
Pagan goddess names
Pagan goddess names

Celtic, Nordic, Greek and Roman Goddesses are most frequently but not exclusively used. Whilst many Wiccans adhere to the dualistic approach to the divine, the energies of the Goddess are often further divided to reflect many different feminine archetypes taken from Goddess myths from around the world. These different symbols are often incorporated into clothing and jewellery or crafted into ritual objects. Another popular Goddess symbol is the spiral, reflecting the expansive and cyclical nature of the divine feminine.

pagan goddess names

These phases of the moons correspond to the maiden, mother and crone respectively. One of the most frequently used motifs is the triple moon, combining the images of the waxing, full and waning moon.

pagan goddess names pagan goddess names

There are several, traditional, wiccan Goddess symbols. These aspects are also seen in the cycles of nature. The Mother archetype symbolises nurturing and fertility of the natural world and the Crone reflects the wisdom gained in a lifetime of learning, transformation and change. In this symbol the Maiden represents expansion, new beginnings and youth. Traditionally the Wiccan Goddesses are further split into three different aspects known as the triple goddess, reflecting the mother, maiden and crone. These individuals are responsible for calling in and embodying the energies of the Wiccan Goddesses and Gods during rituals. This duality of the divine is reflected in the structure of many covens which are jointly headed by the high priest and priestess. All of creation results from the interplay and tension between these two complementary forces. In this tradition the Gods and Goddesses are often not named individually, appearing in rituals as the Lord and Lady or Mother Goddess and Horned God.įor most Wiccans, the Lord and Lady are seen as complementary polarities representing masculine and feminine, force and form.

pagan goddess names

Geraldine Gardner is considered the founding father of modern Wicca which draws heavily upon pagan and hermetic ideology. It is essentially a dualistic belief system where the male and female energies are worshipped in balance. Wiccan Goddesses are part of the nature orientated religion followed by a diverse group of modern witches and some pagan groups.

Pagan goddess names